Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Dear Lee R.,
She opened her mouth but no words came out.
Actually, let me clarify: no words were spake by she.
Words did come out, but not in the traditional sense. 
No, this woman was sick and vomiting. 
Vomiting all over the page in front of her.
But words came out, remember? So she was vomiting these words, onto a page, and thats what I meant to say in the first place.
It so happened that one of her friends was sitting next to her, and her friend too had been feeling a bit queezy as of late, and when the woman started vomiting words, so did she. And a domino effect started. 
There were other weak-stomached people there who joined in. They caught what the first two had got and soon the disease began to travel. Vomiting everywhere. Ew.
The symptons vary amongst those who have the disease, vomiting happens, so do loud "A CHOO"s, and sometimes a bit of blood and bile comes mixed with snot and puke. Some describe these symptoms as occurring "often" or "by-weekly" whereas others claim to be stricken by it but in reality have only sniffled and then rarely sneezed. The distinction exists, but diagnostics are hard to come by.
Anyways, its all very beautiful and awesome and only a little disgusting. The way I see it, if everyone just got the disease, vomit would be second nature and far less unappealing. As it is we just flush it down the toilet, without second thought of any usefulness. 
So back to this women... I think she is still sick.
If we could sign her a card of encouragement that'd be great! Just let me know when you have the card ready (I have no cash to buy a card with) , and then I will sign it.
Thanks so much!
P.S. I would avoid F 31? if I was you.

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